As an antidote to the overload of external stimuli.
'Laboratory of Consciousness' was born with the aim of providing a space for pause and introspection.
In a world in which we are constantly exposed to an outstanding amount of information, it is important to consider the space for personal introspection as an antidote to the overload of external stimuli. Considering also that most of the news we hear is quite discouraging. A world that is increasingly accelerating demands more of us and we feel we have fewer capabilities and tools to respond to its demands. It is not surprising that the pandemic we are currently going through is a mental health pandemic : depression, anxiety, fear, insecurity.
It is incredibly demanding for our nervous system to be able to consciously process the many stimuli we receive each day.
We are not prepared to deal with this exaggerated load of information, without overloading our subconscious and subjecting our nervous system to immense pressure . It is not surprising, I insist, that we are all under a very high degree of stress, many times, without finding an obvious reason for it.
In just half an hour, if we browse social networks or the internet space, we will go from the most catastrophic and painful news to the most banal images. From devastation to an anti-cellulite cream. Do you really believe that your unconscious integrates this dissonant information in a coherent way? Hunger, deforestation, wars, shows, gossip from the heart, cooking recipes and how to lose weight.
All this combined with the demand of our own daily lives : families, bills to pay, work, schedules that are never enough, children, love and lack of love, hangovers, commitments, losses and, it cannot be missed. , the relationship we have with ourselves.
And how do we manage all this?
In the current situation it is impossible not to feel a constant degree of frustration . To a greater or lesser degree, we all feel that no matter how much we do, whatever we do, it is never enough; not to solve wars, not to stop climate change, not to lose weight, not to earn enough to travel the world in all those luxury hotels, not to end hunger, not to have perfect skin,…. Everything, simply everything, is too much.
This has generated a symptom in our societies recognized as " cold depression " characterized by a state of mind in which, without knowing why, we simply feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed and with an enormous feeling of helplessness in the face of the changing and demanding world in which we live. .

From this emergency and with the aim of providing a space for pause and introspection, ' Laboratory of Consciousness' was born. A space with an intimate and authentic rhythm in which I seek to invite you to be part of a personal exploration. Turn your gaze from external events to the slower and equally infinite pace of the interior.
In the face of the maelstrom of noise and excess of information, we always have pause, silence, introspection. And there is the transcendental meaning of our life and only from there, from that solid connection with you, perhaps we can generate small changes with great impacts on our health and on the people around us.
Life is a very short walk, very very short, and sometimes we need to remember that the most interesting and infinite journey is the journey we undertake within ourselves.