Myofascial Release and Sound Healing Workshop
Myofascial Release and Sound Healing Workshop
Fascia is an incredible tissue connecting physical body with other fields of human being (mental, believe system, ancestral memories, emotional field).
Its morphology is reactive to DNA information, its molecular structure determinate how we see ourselves and external reality.
Bringing to consciousness the possibility of activating and reprograming fascia can lead into a real transformation of our perception of ourselves, improving as well the level of energy in the here and now experience Myofascial physical work in a state of awareness combined with sound healing using sacred instruments is a unique experience that can bring a state of wellness, reconnection and transformation.
This workshop is aimed at people interested in their own empowerment and personal growth.
Salvador Ribera , Physical therapist, Grade in Kinesiology and Physiatry.
Osteopath. Has been teacher at Balearic Island University and working in public health care system and private consultant for many years.
Vicenç Perez Galiana, graduate in Osteopathy in Gaia Osteopathy School.
Trained in Sutherland Technic, Visceral Osteopathy and Pediatric biodynamic Osteopathy. Teaching in Estena School visceral osteopathy since 2017.
Place: Sadhana Works
Inscription: (€50)
Info and registration: Saban +34 638 777 458